infographic written analysis 2

Mpansu Tunkara

ENG 202

Prof. Pamela Stemberg

December 11, 2022

                                          Infographic and written analysis

         My infographic is about solar energy how sufficient it is to use, and the amount of energy is wasted that could be used instead of paying high amount on electric bills. The way I organize my infographic is to show how much energy is produced from the sun to the earth that could be used with free charged power. The way I organized it was informal on where the solar power source energy is coming from. people who are interested into buying solar panels would really want to know where the electric power is really coming from to getting onto buying it. I was to put the pros and cons about solar power systems, but I realize that it is more important for the people living in the Environment to know that there’s more resources on getting energy power system through the atmosphere.

            The way I organize my infographic was with pictures that would really bring my audience attention, the first thing I did was to find pictures that would explain more about what I am trying to inform them. I added a picture with the sun above a solar panel to show how a solar power source have relation with a solar panel. Since I was mostly talking about the sun and energy, I mostly used a red color, the type of red color that I used was not just a dark or light red but mixed. I used the red mixed color to make my audience know how energy and heat looks like when it’s produced and how the sun color looks like when it rises and when it’s time for sundown. In the infographic I also used some graphics like waves on the background to show it as a sun heat wave blowing. There were some suggestions

         My main audience is homeowners that have more sun weather during the calendar year. Homeowners would be interested in this because it would help them save money on using too much electric power which would cost them a high amount of bill charges every month. My second audience is people who uses generators. Generators uses a lot of gasoline which we know that gasoline is not easy to buy every day, this would be a great suggestion for them to save money. The third audience would be informing the environment that there is clean energy to use to keep our environment safe and clean and this would be a solution to avoid climate change and to protect our environment.

        What I would mainly want my audience to take from my infographic is to be informed that there’s solution to ever problem especially when it comes to economy on saving energy bills. I would like my audience to also look at this a solution to avoid climate change and to have safe and healthy environment.